Tips for moving abroad in 2019

Moving abroad is both exciting and stressful – so once you have made the decision to do it, follow our top tips to ensure your move abroad goes as smoothly as possible for everybody.

Moving Your Car

If you are choosing to take your car with you, here at Britannia Cestrian we can arrange for it to be shipped over for you with the rest of your belongings. Options include sending your vehicle as part of a shared consignment, or part of a sole-use container. Get in touch with us to discuss moving your car abroad today.

How to Move Your Pets Abroad

We understand your furry friends are part of the family, so moving them abroad with you is a no-brainer. We recommend a company called PetAirUK who are experts in moving pets abroad in as comfortable and stress-free manner as possible – you can even travel on the same flight as your animal if you choose. Contact us for more information – we’d be happy to liaise with PetAirUK on your behalf.

Need Some Storage?

If you’re choosing not to take all of your household belongings then it can be useful to put them in storage in the UK. We have a range of different storage options available, all of which are 100% safe and secure. Discuss your options with us now.

Changing Currencies

Not only have we been experts in removals for over 40 years, we know the process of moving abroad inside out, too. If you need advice on finding the best exchange rate or purchasing property abroad then talk to us first.

Need more information on moving abroad from Chester and the surrounding areas? We can help! Call us on 01244 521 950 today.

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